Posted at Apr 23, 2022 8:49 pm

There’s only two more days until MAID FOR SUCCESS launches. I thought I would give you a small teaser from the book.

Our heroine’s parents want her to learn more about the components of their business, from the ground level–by housecleaning. This guy may have the best coffee in town — but what a slob!
Click on the cover for buy links.
The man was a pig. Kate threw another pile of laundry into the hamper. Didn’t he pick up after himself?
She stripped the sheets off his bed. He probably hadn’t changed the bed since Martha retired. She wished she’d kept the rubber gloves on.
The hamper overflowed as she carted it downstairs. He must work out a lot. Most of the dirty clothes were T-shirts and sweatpants. She pushed opened the laundry room door and snapped her head back. A foul odor wafted from the space, like something had died. God, what was it?
It had to be the smell she’d caught while in the kitchen.
Another pile of clothes overflowed the table next to the washer. That couldn’t be the source, could it?
One of her high school chores had been doing her family’s laundry. Her brothers’ sports clothes had been the worst, especially Stephen’s hockey uniforms, but never this bad. She gulped in a breath and the smell stung the back of her throat.
Rolling her eyes, she pulled her gloves back on and sorted his clothes. There must be a thousand athletic socks.
Family sock-matching Sunday nights had been the worst. She and her brothers had to finish before they could watch TV. Most of the socks had been her brothers, but she’d been forced to match too. Life as the only girl in the MacBain family had been unfair. Who in their right mind wanted kids?
Apparently Adamski liked silk boxers. Mostly black, very nice, but she ran across a series of holiday boxers. Santa Clauses, pumpkins, four-leaf clovers and hearts, numerous heart-covered boxers. Girlfriend?
At least she hadn’t found any women’s underwear. And she hadn’t found evidence of a woman living in the house. No clothes in the closet, no makeup in the bathroom. No condom wrappers in the garbage. Yuck.
With the clothes sorted, she opened the washer. “God!”
Kate jerked her head away, but not before her eyes watered from the stench. The lid slammed shut with a clang.
Shit. Had something died in there? She tried to breathe through her mouth, but the taste had the coffee she’d drunk threatening to come up.
Her brief glimpse into the depths of the washer had shown sheets, towels and moldy socks. Cringing, she backed out of the door and down the hallway into the kitchen.
This was the seventh level of hell!
Kate slapped her hands on the counter and pulled in deep breaths. The smell wouldn’t go away. Spores of death probably filled her nose. She would end up with consumption, coughing and weak in bed. Her family would cry by her bedside, sorry for the way they’d treated her. Sorry they hadn’t cherished the too few moments they’d had with her before she died.
“I want my office. My clean office. Where someone else removes the garbage and vacuums the floors.” She wanted to work at a job that mattered. “I hate this.”
She snatched her coffee mug off the counter and sniffed. Even the heady, rich aroma couldn’t clear away the stink.
What she wouldn’t give to pull the whole mess out of the washer, find where Adamski was hiding, and throw everything in his lap. If it had been her brothers’ mess, she would have done just that.
Grabbing a garbage bag and wishing she had a facemask, she returned to the laundry. With a deep breath, she rushed in.
Throwing open the washing machine’s lid, she frantically stuffed the contents of the machine into the bag. The fabric squished and slid through her gloved hands, covered with slime. Something green came up with the clothes. It looked like a piece of meat. She gagged.
Hurry. Hurry.
She leaned over and chased the last mildew-speckled sock around the inside of the machine. The smell. Oh God.
She stuffed the final sock in the bag and yanked the draw strings shut. She refused to breathe until she reached the kitchen.
Gasping, she rushed to the back door off the kitchen. Wrenching it open, she stuck her head out and drew in deep gulps of fresh cool air. Even with the bag closed, the stench escaped.
“What the hell?” Adamski’s deep voice made the door clutched in her fingers vibrate. “What is that smell?”
She gasped in fresh air again. Would she ever get rid of the taste in her mouth?
“What’s wrong?”
He was so close, her eardrums hurt from his shouting.
“I …”
“Sweet Jesus, what is that?”
Fingers bit into her arm. He pulled her into the room and the door closed.
She fought back with an elbow to his stomach. She needed fresh air. “Don’t!”
She shrugged him away and bumped open the door. She gulped in air laced with the scent of flowering trees.
“Did something die?” he asked.
“Your laundry.” She grabbed the bag and then heaved it onto the kitchen deck. She hoped the crawling mess didn’t eat its way out of the plastic bag and through the decking. Maybe the military needed to know about this possible new chemical weapon.

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Posted at Apr 18, 2022 1:15 am

It’s cover reveal day for MAID FOR SUCCESS!

This is Book 1 in my new series The MacBains.

Here’s a little bit about the book —

Kate MacBain, dubbed “the woman who will never have children,” is focused on her future. She plans to be her father’s successor in the family company despite her three brothers. She’ll do whatever her parents ask, but cleaning houses in the Murphy’s Maids subsidiary? That’s a punishment not a reward.

Composer Alex Adamski’s creative well is dust dry. Since his divorce, he hasn’t been able to finish his overdue sonata. Then a fiery housecleaner named Kate tells him he’s a slob and jars him out of his slump.

Their chemistry is off the charts, but while Alex is thinking family and forever, Kate rejects anything that might derail her climb to the top.

Can he convince her there’s more to life than being CEO?

You can buy the book now. Then it will be be delivered to you by release day, Monday, April 25th.

Click here to purchase.


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POETIC JUSTICE Releases December 7th!

Posted at Dec 3, 2021 2:17 am

Early Readers are saying:

“Fast paced and Intriguing.”
Fast paced and action packed from the first to last page.
“What would have been a meet cute in a typical romance tale, this one turned deadly.”


Order your copy now. It releases December 7, 2021.

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Birthday Sale!

Posted at Jul 28, 2021 12:50 am

I’m celebrating my Birthday with a Sale!

Starting July 28th STAINED GLASS HEARTS will be on sale for $0.99. But only through July 31, 2021. (eBook)

Recipe to Restore a Heart –

Take one emotionally reserved attorney, add a gregarious stained-glass artist, and throw in a dilapidated mansion in need of restoration. Tangle them up for year and then step back and watch the fireworks.

Click on the Cover to Buy.

HURRY – the sale only lasts through July 31st!


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It’s Release Day for DANCE WITH ME!

Posted at Jun 29, 2021 5:05 am

Do you already have your copy? If so — thank you!

I am so proud of this book and early reviewers are enjoying the story.

Here’s one of my favorites reviews –

… a book I was not putting down until I had finished reading it.   5 Star Review Barj70


Let me know what you think!

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Posted at Jun 20, 2021 7:22 pm

The doctors have taken me off all the crazy prescriptions they have had me on for the last 14 months. In honor of being DRUG FREE! INVEST IN ME is FREE. But only on June 21 and 22, 2021. Hurry and get your copy! Click Here.

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Coming in 17 Days — DANCE WITH ME!

Posted at Jun 11, 2021 4:57 pm

DANCE WITH ME, the 3rd and final book in the BIG SKY DREAMERS series, will be here in 17 days. That’s just in time to take Sean and Nicole’s story to the beach to celebrate the 4th of the July.

Here’s what early readers are saying about the book.

“If you are looking for a good, contemporary romance, pick this one up. Really sweet.” 5 Star Review – Goodreads

“Aside from the story being heartbreaking as well as heartwarming, it’s obvious that the author did an in depth research on the lives of dancers. A life that though filled with lots of discipline, sacrifices, injuries, deformed feet etc, is one filled with joy for love of dance.” 5 Star Review – Goodreads

It’s up for Preorder – right now.

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Cover Release for DANCE WITH ME!

Posted at May 19, 2021 7:42 am

It’s Cover Reveal Day for DANCE WITH ME! This is Book 3 in the BIG SKY DREAMERS series. Sean is finally going to get his happily-ever-after.

Here’s a little bit about the book —

DANCE WITH ME — A journey of healing, hope and love.


He loves running his family pub and the expansion into brewing is his contribution to the family legacy. But he hates seeing sad women in his pub, so he flirts, charms smiles out of the unhappy ones, and his Irish accent might be a little stronger as he teaches them a jig. Sad women remind of the terrible mistake he made. When Nicole walks in, pain radiates off her. He tries to coax a smile and even gets her to dance.


Eight months ago her world went up in flames. Once she was a dancer and a mother. Then her husband and daughter died in a fiery crash. Now she’s a mother without a child and a ballerina who cannot dance. Grief and guilt crush her. She retraces her daughter’s and philandering husband’s last day. Her final stop—O’Dair’s Pub. Her husband had been drinking with another woman before Nicole called and begged him to pick up their daughter.

Sean makes her smile. Makes her feel alive again. Maybe there is hope…

The eBook is available for Presale now. Paperback will be available soon.

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Galetine Day celebration at Coffee, Cupcakes and Contemporaries

Posted at Feb 12, 2021 9:05 pm

Are you looking for some fun Friday and Saturday? We’re celebrating Galetine Day at Coffee, Cupcakes and Contemporaries – a Reader Group.  We’re having fun with the guesses. Stop over and join us!

Here’s the note –

Hello, Cupcakes, and WOW! Do we have some awesome fun for you!
We all know that Feb. 14 is Valentine’s Day – and we do love it! – but in a community such as ours, built on (primarily) female friendships, you know that we are all about February 13, GALENTINES DAY! It’s a day to celebrate the special bonds between women. And celebrate we will!
Here’s the deal. All through today (February 12), we’ll be posting twelve trivia questions about the author admins. Place your guess as to which author we’re discussing in that post’s comments. (Need a refresher as to all the authors’ names? Check out the banner on our page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1426474880768003/about.) Each comment is an entry for the prize drawing. What prize, you say? Well, on Saturday Feb. 13 – Galentine’s Day – we’ll reveal the answers and give away not one, but TWO reader showers! Yes, two lucky Cupcakes will win an assortment of print and digital goodies from the authors.
So today: watch for the trivia questions and place your guess in each post’s comments. Tomorrow: come back to see the answers and learn who won. Let the Galentine’s Festivities commence!

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